Create a Pressure Washer Foam Effect in Unity

Unity Engine offers a versatile suite of tools and functionalities to create interactive and visually appealing effects for game development. One such effect is simulating a pressure washer foam effect, which can be achieved using a Unity particle system coupled with shaders and scripts. This tutorial will guide you through the steps to create this visually striking effect.

1. Setting up the Scene

  • Start by opening Unity and creating a new 3D project (if haven't created it yet).
  • In the Hierarchy window, right-click and choose "3D Object -> Plane" to create a ground.
  • Save the scene for good measure.

2. Implementing the Particle System

  • Right-click in the Hierarchy and select "Effects -> Particle System" to create a new particle system.
  • Rename the particle system to "FoamEffect".

Properties Configuration:

  • Duration: 5
  • Start Lifetime: 2
  • Start Speed: 3
  • Start Size: 0.2
  • Emission Rate: 100

3. Customizing Particle Appearance

  • To emulate foam, tiny white spheres or blobs are effective. For this, select the "FoamEffect" particle system.
  • Under Renderer, set Material to "Sprites-Default".
  • Under Particle System -> 'Renderer' -> 'Render Mode', set to "Billboard".
  • In Main Module, set the 'Start Color' to white.

4. Simulating Foam Dispersion

Foam from a pressure washer isn't static, it disperses slightly as it's sprayed.

  • Select the "FoamEffect" particle system.
  • Under Particle System -> 'Shape', set the shape to "Cone".
  • Adjust the angle and radius until satisfied with the dispersion.

5. Applying Forces to Emulate Water Pressure

  • Right-click in Hierarchy and choose "Effects -> Particle System Force Field".
  • Adjust the strength and shape to affect the foam particles to simulate the force from the washer.

6. Scripting Foam Behavior

A script will provide more control over the foam behavior.

  • Create a new script, name it "FoamEffectController", then paste the code below inside it:


using UnityEngine;

public class FoamEffectController : MonoBehaviour
    private ParticleSystem foamParticles;

    private void Start()
        foamParticles = GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();

    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space))

This script above emit the foam when the space key is pressed.

  • Save the script and attach it to the "FoamEffect" object in Unity.

7. Testing the Effect

  • Press the Play button in Unity.
  • Press the Space key. Observe the foam effect as it simulates being sprayed from a pressure washer.

Questions to Address:

  1. How can the foam dispersion be controlled?: The dispersion of foam is controlled via the Shape module in the Particle System. Adjusting parameters like angle, radius, and shape can vary the foam's dispersion.
  2. Is it possible to change the color or appearance of the foam?: Yes, the appearance can be altered by changing the Start Color in the Main Module of the Particle System or by using custom materials and sprites under the Renderer section.
  3. How can the emission rate or foam density be changed?: Adjusting the Emission Rate under the Emission section of the Particle System can control the foam density. Higher values will produce more foam, while lower values will produce less.


With the above steps completed, a basic pressure washer foam effect should now be in place. Experimentation and adjustment of values can further tailor the effect to specific needs or artistic visions.

Unity 6