Introduction to Unity's Animation System

The animation system that comes with Unity allows developers to bring their game characters and objects to life by animating their movements, actions, and visual effects. It provides a powerful set of tools and features to create both simple and complex animations. Here's an introduction to the Unity animation system:

Animation Window

Animation Window is the main interface for creating and editing animations in Unity. It provides a timeline-based view where developers can keyframe and manipulate various properties of the game objects over time.

Animation Clips

Animations in Unity are created and managed using Animation Clips. An Animation Clip represents a specific animation sequence or behavior, such as a walk cycle, attack animation, or idle animation. Each animation clip contains keyframes that define the changes in properties over time.

Keyframes and Curves

Keyframes are the individual points in time within an animation clip where developers can set the values of properties. Placing keyframes at different points along the timeline defines how the object or character should move or change over time. Curves connect the keyframes and allow for interpolation between values.

Property Animation

The animation system allows developers to animate various properties of game objects, such as position, rotation, scale, color, and more. These properties can be manipulated in the Animation Window by setting keyframes and adjusting their values over time.

Animation Events

Animation Events are markers that can be placed at specific points in an animation clip. They allow developers to trigger custom code or actions during the playback of the animation. Animation Events are useful for synchronizing sound effects, particle effects, or other game events with the animation.

Blend Trees

Blend Trees enable smooth transitions between different animation clips based on predefined conditions. They are commonly used for controlling character movements, such as blending between idle and walk animations based on player input or speed.

Animator Controller

Animator Controller is a component that manages the playback of animation clips and transitions between them. It allows developers to define the logic and conditions for transitioning between different states or animations. The Animator Controller can be attached to a game object and controlled through code.

Animation States and Transitions

Animation States represent different animation behaviors or states, such as idle, walking, jumping, or attacking. Transitions define how the animator moves from one state to another, based on conditions such as parameter values, animation events, or time.

Animation Layers

Animation Layers allow developers to blend multiple animation clips together, each with its own weight and blending settings. This is useful for overlaying animations like facial expressions, weapon movements, or additive animations on top of a base animation.

Animation Rigging

The animation rigging system in Unity provides tools for creating complex character rigs and controlling them through animation. It allows developers to create IK (Inverse Kinematics) setups, custom bone hierarchies, and constraints to achieve more advanced character animation effects.


These are some of the key concepts and features of the animation system. By leveraging these tools, captivating and dynamic animations can be created for the game characters and objects. The documentation and tutorials provided on this site give more in-depth guidance and examples to help developers master the animation system and bring their games to life.

Unity 6