Using Runtime Animator Controller in Unity

In Unity, animation plays a vital role in bringing game characters and objects to life. The RuntimeAnimatorController is a key component that controls the animation of game objects during runtime. This tutorial will provide an overview of the RuntimeAnimatorController and demonstrate how to use it with code examples in Unity.

What is RuntimeAnimatorController?

RuntimeAnimatorController is a scriptable object in Unity that defines the animations, transitions, and parameters of an Animator component. It allows you to manage and control animations dynamically during gameplay. You can create, modify, and assign RuntimeAnimatorControllers to game objects to achieve complex animation behaviors.

Code Example

Let's create a simple example to demonstrate the usage of RuntimeAnimatorController:

  1. Create Animation Clips: First, create some animation clips for your game object. You can do this by importing animations or creating them using Unity's animation tools.
  2. Create Animator Controller: Create a new RuntimeAnimatorController asset in your project by right-clicking in the Project window, and then selecting Create -> Animator Controller.
  3. Add Animation Clips: Double-click the newly created animator controller asset to open it in the Animator window. Drag and drop the animation clips you created in step 1 onto the Animator window. Arrange the transitions between animations as needed.
  4. Assign Animator Controller: Attach the RuntimeAnimatorController to your game object's Animator component. You can do this either via the Inspector window or programmatically using a script.
  5. Control Animations: Use code to control animations during runtime. You can trigger animations, set parameters, and manage transitions based on game events or user input.

Here's a code example to demonstrate how to control animations using RuntimeAnimatorController:

using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
    private Animator animator;

    void Start()
        animator = GetComponent<Animator>();

    void Update()
        // Example: Triggering animation based on player input
        float move = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
        animator.SetFloat("Speed", Mathf.Abs(move)); // Set 'Speed' parameter based on player's horizontal movement

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
            animator.SetTrigger("Jump"); // Trigger 'Jump' animation when Space key is pressed

In this example:

  • We retrieve the Animator component attached to the game object.
  • In the Update method, we check for player input to control animations dynamically.
  • We set the 'Speed' parameter based on the player's horizontal movement to play the walking animation.
  • We trigger the 'Jump' animation when the player presses the Space key.


In this tutorial, we explored the RuntimeAnimatorController in Unity and learned how to use it to control animations dynamically during gameplay. By understanding the concepts and applying the code examples provided, you can create more interactive and engaging experiences in your Unity games. Experiment with different animations, transitions, and parameters to achieve the desired animation behaviors.

Unity 6