Tutorial for Opening a Door with a Key in Unity

In many game scenarios, unlocking and opening doors with keys is a common gameplay element. In this Unity tutorial, we'll walk through the process of creating a simple door that can be opened using a key. We'll cover the basic Unity concepts of scripting, triggering events, and creating a responsive door system.


Step 1: Create the Scene and Assets

  1. Open Unity and create a new 3D project (if you haven't yet).
  2. Import a simple door model (or create a cube as a placeholder) and a key model into your project.

Step 2: Set up the Door and Key

  1. Place the door and key in your scene.
  2. Add a Box Collider component to the door's parent object, scale it up to cover the necessary area, and check its "Is Trigger" parameter.
  3. Add key GameObjects to enable collision detection.

Step 3: Write the DoorScript


using UnityEngine;

public class DoorScript : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject key;

    private bool isLocked = true;

    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (other.gameObject == key && isLocked)

    private void OpenDoor()
        // Add door opening animation or simply change the door's position.
        transform.Translate(Vector3.up * 2f); // Adjust the value based on your door's size.
        isLocked = false;
  • Attach the 'DoorScript' to the object with Box Collider with "Is Trigger" checked.
  • Assign the key object to the 'Key' variable in 'DoorScript'.


  • We check for collisions with the key using 'OnTriggerEnter'.
  • If the collided object is the key and the door is locked, the 'OpenDoor' method is called.
  • The 'OpenDoor' method can contain any custom door-opening logic, such as playing an animation or changing the door's position.

Step 4: Set up the Key GameObject

  1. Attach a Rigidbody component to the key GameObject to enable physics interactions.
  2. Add a Sphere Collider (or any collider that fits your key) to the key GameObject.

Step 5: Testing

  1. Press Play in Unity to test the interaction.
  2. Move the key within the door Box Collider.


You've successfully created a simple door-unlocking system using a key in Unity. This tutorial covers the basics, and you can expand upon it by adding more features, and animations, or refining the gameplay mechanics based on your game's requirements.

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