How to Fire a Shot in Unity

In this tutorial, we'll go step by step through how to fire a shot in Unity. You'll learn how to create a basic projectile that moves forward and interacts with other objects. By the end, you'll have a working script that can be attached to a GameObject to simulate shooting in a game.

Setting Up the Scene

Before we dive into coding, let's first set up the scene to create a projectile. Here are the steps to get started:

  1. Create a new Unity project or open an existing one.
  2. Create a 3D object (e.g., a cube or a sphere) in your scene, which will act as the player or object firing the shot.
  3. Create another 3D object (e.g., a smaller sphere) to act as the projectile. This will be instantiated when the shot is fired.
  4. Organize your objects by giving them meaningful names, such as "Player" and "ProjectilePrefab".

Creating the Shot Script

Now that we have our basic scene, let's create the script that will handle shooting. We'll name the script Shot.cs and attach it to the player object. This script will spawn the projectile and apply a forward force to simulate firing.

Follow these steps to create the script:

  1. In the Unity editor, right-click in the Project window and select Create > C# Script. Name the script Shot.cs.
  2. Double-click the Shot.cs file to open it in your code editor.
  3. Replace the default code with the following script:
using UnityEngine;

public class Shot : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject projectilePrefab;  // The prefab of the projectile to shoot
    public Transform firePoint;          // The point where the projectile will be fired from
    public float projectileSpeed = 20f;  // Speed of the projectile

    void Update()
        // Check if the player presses the fire button (default is left mouse button or spacebar)
        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))

    void FireShot()
        // Instantiate the projectile at the fire point's position and rotation
        GameObject projectile = Instantiate(projectilePrefab, firePoint.position, firePoint.rotation);

        // Get the Rigidbody component of the projectile to apply physics
        Rigidbody rb = projectile.GetComponent();

        if (rb != null)
            // Apply force to the projectile to make it move forward
            rb.velocity = firePoint.forward * projectileSpeed;

This script performs the following tasks:

  • Defines a public projectilePrefab to hold the projectile object.
  • Uses a firePoint to specify where the shot originates.
  • Uses projectileSpeed to control the speed of the projectile.
  • Checks for player input using Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"), which listens for the "Fire1" action (usually mapped to the left mouse button or spacebar).
  • Instantiates a projectile at the firePoint and applies a forward velocity to it.

Assigning the Script in Unity

Now that we have the script ready, it's time to assign it to the player object and set up the references:

  1. Select the "Player" GameObject in the scene.
  2. Drag the Shot.cs script onto the "Player" to attach it.
  3. In the Inspector window, you'll see the script's fields. Assign the projectile prefab (e.g., the small sphere you created) to the ProjectilePrefab slot.
  4. Create an empty GameObject under the player object and name it "FirePoint". Position it in front of the player or wherever you want the projectile to spawn from.
  5. Drag the "FirePoint" object into the FirePoint field in the script.

Testing the Shot

To test the shooting functionality, press the Play button in Unity and press the fire button (default is the left mouse button or spacebar). You should see the projectile spawning and moving forward when you press the button. You can tweak the projectile's speed or appearance to better suit your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I destroy the projectile after it's fired?

To prevent your projectiles from existing forever, you can destroy them after a certain amount of time. In the FireShot method, after instantiating the projectile, you can add:

Destroy(projectile, 5f); // Destroys the projectile after 5 seconds

How do I add sound effects or animations to the shot?

You can add sound effects by using the AudioSource component. Simply add it to the player and play a sound in the FireShot method:

AudioSource audioSource = GetComponent();

For animations, you can trigger an animation using the Animator component or by enabling/disabling certain GameObject states within the FireShot method.

How do I make the projectile interact with other objects?

To make the projectile interact with other objects, ensure the projectile has a Rigidbody and a Collider component. You can then write a script to handle collision detection using OnCollisionEnter or OnTriggerEnter:

void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
    if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Enemy"))
        Destroy(collision.gameObject); // Destroy enemy on collision
        Destroy(gameObject);           // Destroy the projectile


Hopefully, this tutorial helped you learn how to fire a shot in Unity by creating a projectile, applying force to it, and handling basic collision detection. This technique can be expanded upon for more complex interactions, such as adding effects, sound, or advanced physics.

Unity 6