How to Create and Use TypeScript Utility Types

TypeScript provides a set of utility types that make it easier to transform and manage existing types. These built-in utility types allow developers to manipulate types in various ways, helping to simplify code and avoid repetition. This guide explores some of the most common utility types and how they can be created and used in a TypeScript project.

What Are TypeScript Utility Types?

Utility types in TypeScript are pre-defined types that help in transforming other types. They can be used to create new types based on existing ones by either picking, omitting, or modifying properties. They play an essential role in maintaining clean, reusable code.

Commonly Used TypeScript Utility Types

Here are some of the most commonly used TypeScript utility types:

  • Partial<T> – Makes all properties of type T optional.
  • Required<T> – Makes all properties of type T required.
  • Readonly<T> – Makes all properties of type T read-only.
  • Pick<T, K> – Picks a set of properties K from type T.
  • Omit<T, K> – Removes a set of properties K from type T.
  • Record<K, T> – Constructs an object type with keys of type K and values of type T.

Example: Using Partial<T>

The Partial utility type makes all properties of an interface optional. Here’s how it can be used:

interface User {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  email: string;

const updateUser = (user: Partial<User>) => {
  // Update logic

updateUser({ name: "John" });

In this example, updateUser accepts an argument of type Partial<User>, meaning only some of the properties of the User interface are required.

Example: Using Pick<T, K>

The Pick utility type allows selecting a subset of properties from a type:

interface User {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  email: string;

type UserContactInfo = Pick<User, "name" | "email">;

const contactInfo: UserContactInfo = {
  name: "John",
  email: ""

Here, Pick<User, “name” | “email”> creates a new type UserContactInfo with only the name and email properties from the original User interface.

Example: Using Omit<T, K>

The Omit utility type removes specified properties from a type:

interface User {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  email: string;

type UserWithoutEmail = Omit<User, "email">;

const user: UserWithoutEmail = {
  name: "John",
  age: 30

In this example, the UserWithoutEmail type is created by omitting the email property from the User interface.

Creating Custom Utility Types

Custom utility types can also be created using TypeScript's advanced type features like conditional types, mapped types, and more. Here's a simple example of a custom utility type that makes all properties optional:

type MyPartial<T> = {
  [P in keyof T]?: T[P];

interface User {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  email: string;

const user: MyPartial<User> = {
  name: "Alice"

This custom MyPartial type functions similarly to TypeScript's built-in Partial utility type.


TypeScript utility types are an essential feature for working with types in a flexible and reusable manner. By leveraging these utility types, code can be made more concise and maintainable. Whether using built-in utility types like Partial, Pick, and Omit or creating custom ones, they significantly enhance TypeScript’s type system.