Setting Up TypeScript with Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a powerful and popular code editor that provides excellent support for TypeScript development. This guide will walk you through the steps to set up TypeScript in VSCode, ensuring you have everything you need to start coding effectively.

Installing Visual Studio Code

If you haven't already installed Visual Studio Code, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the official VSCode website.
  2. Download the installer for your operating system.
  3. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Installing Node.js and npm

TypeScript is managed through npm (Node Package Manager), which requires Node.js. To install Node.js and npm:

  1. Visit the official Node.js website.
  2. Download and install the LTS version of Node.js, which includes npm.
  3. Verify the installation by opening a terminal and running node -v and npm -v to check the versions of Node.js and npm.

Installing TypeScript

With Node.js and npm installed, you can now install TypeScript globally. Open a terminal and run the following command:

npm install -g typescript

This command installs TypeScript globally, allowing you to use the tsc command to compile TypeScript files from anywhere on your system.

Setting Up a TypeScript Project

To start a new TypeScript project, follow these steps:

    1. Create a new directory for your project and navigate into it:
mkdir my-typescript-project
cd my-typescript-project
    1. Initialize a new npm project:
npm init -y
    1. Install TypeScript as a development dependency:
npm install --save-dev typescript
    1. Generate a TypeScript configuration file:
npx tsc --init

This command creates a tsconfig.json file in your project directory, which contains configuration settings for the TypeScript compiler.

Configuring VSCode for TypeScript

VSCode comes with built-in TypeScript support, but you can further enhance your development experience by configuring the editor:

Opening Your Project

Open your TypeScript project in VSCode:

  1. Launch VSCode.
  2. Select File > Open Folder... and choose your project directory.

Installing TypeScript Extensions

While VSCode provides excellent TypeScript support out of the box, you can install additional extensions for enhanced functionality:

  • TypeScript Extension: Provides TypeScript language support and features like IntelliSense, code navigation, and more.
  • Prettier: An extension for code formatting, ensuring consistent code style.

Configuring the TypeScript Compiler

Open the tsconfig.json file to configure the TypeScript compiler settings. Here’s an example configuration:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es6",
    "module": "commonjs",
    "strict": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "skipLibCheck": true,
    "outDir": "./dist",
    "sourceMap": true
  "include": [
  "exclude": [

This configuration sets the target ECMAScript version to ES6, specifies CommonJS module format, enables strict type checking, and sets the output directory to ./dist. It also includes source maps for easier debugging.

Writing and Running TypeScript Code

Create a new TypeScript file in the src directory:

mkdir src
touch src/index.ts

Add some TypeScript code to index.ts:

const message: string = "Hello, TypeScript!";

To compile your TypeScript code, run:

npx tsc

This command compiles your TypeScript files and outputs the JavaScript files to the dist directory.

To run the compiled JavaScript code, use:

node dist/index.js


Setting up TypeScript with Visual Studio Code is a straightforward process that involves installing the necessary tools, configuring your project, and using VSCode’s powerful features. By following this guide, you’ll have a fully functional TypeScript development environment and be ready to build robust applications with TypeScript.