FPC Swimmer - A Comprehensive Unity Asset for Immersive Water Environments

FPC Swimmer - package for underwater effect on Unity Asset Store.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)

Dive into unparalleled realism with FPC Swimmer, your gateway to crafting captivating water environments in Unity. This comprehensive asset offers a first-person swimming experience, dynamic day-night cycles, realistic audio-visual elements, and seamless integration with the Crest water system, delivering a truly immersive and interactive aquatic adventure for your Unity projects.


  • First-Person Controller for Swimming:
    • The FPC Swimmer script, built on the Crest water system, extends the capabilities of Crest, enabling creators to navigate realistic oceans and water systems in a first-person perspective.
  • Day and Night Cycle Control:
    • Experience dynamic day and night cycles with control over the Sun, Moon, stars, and dynamic illumination. This feature adds a layer of realism to your scenes, creating visually stunning environments.
  • Audio Enhancements:
    • Immerse players with sample audio, including water splashes, wind, and waves. The dynamic audio system responds to interactions with water, enhancing the overall sensory experience.
  • Visual Elements:
    • Enjoy underwater and splash particles that contribute to heightened realism. The asset provides presets and custom materials specifically designed for Crest water systems, ensuring seamless integration and stunning visual effects.
  • Global Illumination:
    • Benefit from global illumination for more realistic effects, adding depth and authenticity to your virtual environments' overall lighting and reflections.
  • Included Scenes:
    • Explore various demo scenes showcasing different setups, including a basic swimming scene (SimpleDemo), a day and night cycle scene with additional sounds (SunMoonSkyDemo), and a scene featuring a textured terrain (SunMoonSky HighDefinitionTerrainDemo).
  • Dynamic Features for FPC Swimmer:
    • The script provides extensive control, including dynamic audio transitions, submerge and emerge effects, splash particles, realistic physics, floating simulation, wave forces, automatic emersion, and configurable speed settings for both land and water.
  • SunMoonSky:
    • This component offers dynamic day and night illumination, reflections over water surfaces, star particles, and lens flares for the Sun and Moon, adding to the visual richness of your scenes.
  • Third-Party Notice:
    • The asset employs the Crest package under the MIT license, promoting transparency and compliance with third-party licenses.

FPC Swimmer - package for underwater effect on Unity Asset Store.


FPC Swimmer proves to be an indispensable asset for developers aiming to create immersive aquatic environments in Unity. With its extensive feature set, realistic audio-visual elements, and seamless integration with the Crest water system, this package earns a well-deserved 5-star rating. Dive into the world of realistic swimming experiences with FPC Swimmer and elevate the immersion factor in your Unity projects.

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