Creating a Third-Person Character in Unreal Engine

Adding a third-person character to your game can enhance player immersion and provide a unique perspective for gameplay. In Unreal Engine, setting up a third-person character involves several key steps, from creating the character model to implementing movement controls and animations.

Setting Up a Third-Person Character

Follow this step-by-step guide to create a third-person character in Unreal Engine:

1. Creating or Importing the Character Model

  • Create a 3D character model in a modeling software like Blender or Maya, or use pre-made models available in Unreal Engine's Marketplace.
  • Export the model as an FBX file and import it into Unreal Engine's Content Browser.

2. Setting Up the Third-Person Template

  • Start a new project in Unreal Engine using the Third-Person Template.
  • This template provides a basic setup for a third-person character with a camera following the character.

3. Configuring the Character Blueprint

  • Open the ThirdPersonCharacter Blueprint in the Blueprint Editor.
  • Add components such as a Skeletal Mesh for your character model and a Camera for the third-person perspective.

4. Implementing Character Movement

  • In the Event Graph of the ThirdPersonCharacter Blueprint, set up nodes to handle player input for movement.
  • Use functions like Add Movement Input to control the character's movement based on player input.

5. Adding Animation and Character Control

  • Create or import animations for your character (e.g., walking, running, jumping).
  • Set up animation states and transitions in the Animation Blueprint to control how animations play based on the character's actions.

6. Testing and Iteration

  • Compile and save your Blueprint changes.
  • Click the Play button in the Unreal Editor to test your third-person character.
  • Adjust movement speeds, camera angles, and animation blends to refine the character's feel and responsiveness.


Creating a third-person character in Unreal Engine allows you to explore new gameplay possibilities and provide players with a dynamic perspective on your game world. By following these steps and experimenting with Unreal Engine's powerful tools, you can create a compelling and immersive experience for your players.