Creating a First-Person Controller in Unreal Engine

This tutorial covers the steps to create a first-person controller in Unreal Engine, enabling navigation and interaction within a game environment.

Step 1: Setting Up a New Project

Launch Unreal Engine and initiate a new project using a template that includes the First Person as its foundation.

Step 2: Adding a First-Person Character

In Unreal Engine, navigate to the Content Browser and locate the FirstPersonBP folder.

  1. Open the FirstPersonBP folder and access the Blueprints subfolder.
  2. Double-click on the FirstPersonCharacter blueprint to open it in the Blueprint Editor.

Step 3: Configuring the Character

Inside the Blueprint Editor:

  • Use the Add Component option to include a Camera component.
  • Adjust the camera's position to align with the character's eye level.
  • Add a Spring Arm component and attach the camera to it to manage the camera's position relative to the character.
  • Modify the properties of the Spring Arm and Camera to achieve the desired view.

Step 4: Setting Up Input for Movement

Configure input bindings for character movement:

  1. Access Project Settings from the Edit menu.
  2. Navigate to the Input section and select it.
  3. Create new Action Mappings for MoveForward and MoveRight.
  4. Assign appropriate keys for forward and sideways movement.

Step 5: Implementing Character Movement

In the Blueprint Editor:

  • Access the Event Graph tab.
  • Utilize nodes in the Event Graph to handle input for forward and sideways movement.
  • Utilize functions such as Add Movement Input to direct character movement based on received input.
// Example blueprint nodes for moving forward and sideways
Add Movement Input (World Direction) - Event Graph
Add Movement Input (World Direction) - Event Graph

Step 6: Testing the First-Person Controller

Compile and save blueprint changes. Click the Play button within the Unreal Editor to test the first-person controller.

Move around using the designated keys to confirm that the camera tracks the character's movements effectively.

Step 7: Customizing and Iterating

Customize further by integrating animations, adjusting movement speeds, or refining camera settings to align with specific game requirements.


By following these steps, you have successfully set up a basic first-person controller in Unreal Engine. This controller allows your players to explore your game environment and interact with objects. Experiment with additional features and functionalities to enhance your game's immersion and gameplay experience.