Creating a Puzzle Game in Unity

Welcome to our Unity puzzle game tutorial! In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of creating a simple puzzle game in Unity. By the end, you'll have a basic understanding of how to create interactive puzzles using Unity's game development tools.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Unity Project

  1. Open Unity and start a new 2D project.
  2. Choose a suitable name for your project and select a location to save it.

Step 2: Importing Assets

  1. Find or create the assets you'll need for your puzzle game. These could include images for puzzle pieces, background images, and any other visual elements.
  2. Import your assets into Unity by dragging and dropping them into the project window.

Step 3: Creating the Puzzle Scene

  1. Create a new scene by going to 'File -> New Scene'.
  2. Drag the background image into the scene to serve as the backdrop for your puzzle.
  3. Place the puzzle pieces on top of the background image. You can arrange them however you like to create your puzzle.

Step 4: Adding Interactivity

  1. Select each puzzle piece sprite in the scene and add a Box Collider 2D component to them. This will allow the pieces to detect collisions with each other.
  2. Create a new C# script called "PuzzlePiece" and attach it to each puzzle piece GameObject.
  3. Open the script and write code to handle the dragging and dropping of puzzle pieces. You can use Unity's Input system to detect mouse or touch input and move the puzzle pieces accordingly.


using UnityEngine;

public class PuzzlePiece : MonoBehaviour
    private bool isDragging = false;
    private Vector2 offset;

    private void OnMouseDown()
        isDragging = true;
        offset = transform.position - (Vector2)Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);

    private void OnMouseUp()
        isDragging = false;

    private void Update()
        if (isDragging)
            Vector2 mousePos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
            transform.position = mousePos + offset;

Step 5: Adding Logic

  1. Create a new empty GameObject called "PuzzleManager" to manage the puzzle.
  2. Create a C# script called "PuzzleManager" and attach it to the "PuzzleManager" GameObject.
  3. Write code in the PuzzleManager script to check when puzzle pieces are in the correct positions and trigger the completion of the puzzle.


using UnityEngine;

public class PuzzleManager : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject[] puzzlePieces;

    private void Update()
        bool puzzleComplete = true;

        foreach (GameObject piece in puzzlePieces)
            // Add logic to check if each piece is in the correct position
            // For example, you could check if the piece's position is close enough to its correct position
            // If any piece is not in the correct position, set puzzleComplete to false

        if (puzzleComplete)
            Debug.Log("Puzzle complete!");
            // Add code here to trigger any actions you want to happen when the puzzle is completed

Step 6: Testing

  1. Save your scripts and the scene.
  2. Press the play button in Unity to test your puzzle game.
  3. Drag and drop the puzzle pieces to their correct positions to complete the puzzle.
  4. Debug and refine your game as needed until it functions smoothly.


You've created a simple puzzle game in Unity. From here, you can expand and customize your game by adding more complex puzzles, additional features, and polish to create a unique and engaging experience for players.

Unity 6