Understanding the Vue.js CLI and How to Use It

The Vue.js CLI (Command Line Interface) is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of setting up, developing, and managing Vue.js projects. It provides a standardized and efficient way to create new projects, manage dependencies, and configure build settings. This article will explore the Vue CLI's features and demonstrate how to use it effectively.

Installing Vue CLI

To start using the Vue CLI, you need to install it globally on your system. Ensure you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed, then run the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

npm install -g @vue/cli

This command installs the Vue CLI globally, making the vue command available for creating and managing Vue.js projects.

Creating a New Vue.js Project

With the Vue CLI installed, you can easily create a new Vue.js project by running the following command:

vue create my-vue-project

You will be prompted to select a preset for your project. You can choose from the default preset, which includes Babel and ESLint, or manually select features like Vue Router, Vuex, and TypeScript. For beginners, it is recommended to choose the default preset by pressing Enter.

Understanding Vue CLI Presets

Vue CLI provides several options for configuring your project through presets:

  • Default Preset: Includes essential tools like Babel and ESLint. Suitable for most projects and a good starting point for beginners.
  • Manually Select Features: Allows you to choose specific features such as Vue Router for routing, Vuex for state management, TypeScript for type checking, and more.

Project Structure

Once your project is created, you will see a standard Vue.js project structure. Here are some key folders and files:

  • src: Contains the source code for your application, including components, views, and styles.
  • public: Contains static assets and the index.html file, which serves as the entry point for your application.
  • src/main.js: The entry file for your Vue application. Initializes the Vue instance and mounts it to the DOM.
  • src/App.vue: The root component of your application. You can customize this file to define the main layout of your app.
  • src/components: Contains Vue components. You can add new components here and import them into your application.

Running the Development Server

To see your Vue.js application in action, start the development server by running the following command:

npm run serve

This will start a local server at http://localhost:8080 (or another available port). Open this URL in your browser to view your application.

Building for Production

When you are ready to deploy your application, you need to build it for production. Run the following command to create a production-ready build:

npm run build

This command generates optimized and minified files in the dist folder, which you can deploy to your web server.

Using Vue CLI Plugins

Vue CLI supports plugins that add features and capabilities to your project. To install a plugin, run the following command:

vue add 

For example, to add Vue Router to your project, you would run:

vue add router

To remove a plugin, use the vue remove command:

vue remove router

Plugins can also be installed and managed through the vue.config.js file or by modifying the project’s configuration.

Customizing Vue CLI Configuration

You can customize Vue CLI’s configuration by creating or modifying the vue.config.js file in the root of your project. This file allows you to adjust various settings such as proxy configurations, public paths, and more.

module.exports = {
  devServer: {
    proxy: 'http://api.example.com'
  publicPath: '/my-app/'


The Vue.js CLI is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of creating, managing, and configuring Vue.js projects. By using Vue CLI, you can quickly set up a new project, run a development server, build for production, and customize your project with plugins and configuration options. With these capabilities, you are well-equipped to start developing modern, dynamic web applications with Vue.js.