Meaning Behind the Word: Autosome

Autosome is a fundamental concept in genetics, specifically in the field of chromosomal biology.


Within the realm of genetics, Autosome refers to any of the non-sex chromosomes, typically found in pairs in most eukaryotic organisms, including humans.


Autosomes carry genetic information that determines various traits and characteristics in an individual, excluding those related to sex.


Here are some examples of Autosomes and their significance:

  • Chromosome 1: Contains numerous genes associated with vital functions like metabolism and growth.
  • Chromosome 7: Carries genes linked to various health conditions and diseases.
  • Chromosome 21: Known for its role in Down syndrome, a chromosomal disorder.


Autosomes are central to understanding genetics and hereditary traits. These non-sex chromosomes hold the key to many aspects of our biological makeup, making them a critical element in the study of life sciences.