Must-Know SSH Commands for Efficient Remote Management

Secure Shell (SSH) is an essential tool for securely accessing and managing remote servers. Whether you're a system administrator, developer, or tech enthusiast, mastering SSH commands can significantly improve your workflow. This article covers the must-know SSH commands that every user should be familiar with.

What is SSH?

SSH, or Secure Shell, is a protocol that allows users to securely connect to a remote computer over an unsecured network. It provides encrypted communication and various authentication methods, making it a fundamental tool for remote management.

Essential SSH Commands

1. Connecting to a Remote Server

The basic syntax for connecting to a remote server is:

ssh username@hostname

Replace username with your remote user account and hostname with the server's address (IP or domain).

2. Specifying a Port

If your SSH server listens on a port other than the default 22, you can specify it using the -p option:

ssh -p port_number username@hostname

3. Copying Files with SCP

Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) is used for transferring files between local and remote hosts securely. The basic syntax for copying a file from a local machine to a remote server is:

scp local_file username@hostname:/remote/directory/

To copy a file from a remote server to your local machine:

scp username@hostname:/remote/file local_directory/

4. Running Remote Commands

You can execute commands on a remote server without logging in interactively:

ssh username@hostname 'command'

For example, to check disk usage on a remote server:

ssh username@hostname 'df -h'

5. Using SSH Keys for Authentication

SSH keys provide a more secure way of logging into a remote server than using passwords. Generate a key pair with:


Then, copy your public key to the remote server:

ssh-copy-id username@hostname

6. Tunneling with SSH

SSH tunneling allows you to create a secure connection between your local machine and a remote server, which can be used to access services on the remote network. For example, to forward a local port to a remote port:

ssh -L local_port:remote_host:remote_port username@hostname

This command forwards local_port on your machine to remote_port on remote_host through the SSH connection.

7. SSH Config File

The SSH config file allows you to save frequently used SSH connection options. It is typically located at ~/.ssh/config. A sample config entry might look like:

Host alias
    HostName hostname
    User username
    Port port_number
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

After configuring, you can connect using the alias:

ssh alias

8. Background SSH Sessions

You can run SSH sessions in the background using the -f option, which is useful for running background processes:

ssh -f username@hostname 'command'

To execute a command in the background:

ssh -f username@hostname 'command &'

9. Checking SSH Version

To check the SSH version installed on your system:

ssh -V

10. Closing an SSH Session

To log out of an SSH session, simply type:



Knowing these essential SSH commands can greatly enhance your ability to manage remote servers efficiently and securely. Whether you're transferring files, running commands, or setting up secure tunnels, SSH is a powerful tool that every tech professional should master.