Meaning Behind the Word: Signified

The term signified refers to the meaning or concept that a particular symbol, word, or sign represents. It is part of a larger framework in linguistics and semiotics, where the signified is the mental image or idea evoked by the corresponding signifier, which is the form or expression used to convey that idea.

Phrases and Examples

  • In linguistics, the signified: Refers to the concept or object that a linguistic sign (the signifier) stands for.
  • The image signified: Refers to the meaning that an image or visual representation conveys beyond its physical appearance.
  • The color red signifies danger: The color red acts as the signifier, while the concept of danger is the signified.
  • In symbols, the signified: Is the deeper meaning or concept the symbol conveys, like how a dove can signify peace.

Role and Significance

The signified plays a crucial role in communication and meaning-making processes. It allows abstract ideas, feelings, and concepts to be understood and shared using symbols, words, or images. The relationship between the signifier and the signified forms the foundation of how meaning is constructed in language and other forms of symbolic representation.


The concept of the signified is central to how meaning is conveyed in both language and symbolism. By understanding what a symbol or word stands for, a deeper comprehension of communication and representation is achieved. The interplay between the signifier and the signified highlights how meaning is created, shared, and understood across cultures and contexts.