Meaning Behind the Word: Mummery

The word mummery carries a rich history and diverse connotations.


Mummery can refer to:

  • As a Noun: The performance of mummers, a traditional masked or costumed performance often involving pantomime and farce.
  • As a Verb: Engaging in mimicry or imitation, often derisively or exaggeratedly.


The English version of the word mummery originates from the Middle English word "momerie", which refers to a hypocritical gesture or an affected or hypocritical manner of speech or action.


In literature and everyday language, mummery is often used to denote empty or meaningless rituals, pretentious displays, or insincere performances.


Here are some examples of mummery in different contexts:

  • Mummery in politics often involves grand speeches devoid of substance.
  • Mummery festivals celebrate tradition but sometimes lack genuine cultural significance.
  • His actions were mere mummery, lacking any real commitment or conviction.


Mummery encompasses various forms of performance, mimicry, and pretense. Understanding its history and usage sheds light on its significance in culture and language.