Managing Users and Permissions in Linux
Managing users and permissions is a fundamental aspect of Linux system administration. In this tutorial, we'll provide a comprehensive guide to user administration in Linux, covering user creation, modification, deletion, and permission management. By understanding these concepts and mastering the relevant commands, you'll be able to effectively manage users and permissions on your Linux system.
1. User Management
Creating a new user:
sudo adduser username
Changing user password:
sudo passwd username
Modifying user properties:
sudo usermod -aG groupname username
2. Group Management
Creating a new group:
sudo addgroup groupname
Adding a user to a group:
sudo usermod -aG groupname username
Removing a user from a group:
sudo deluser username groupname
3. Permission Management
Viewing file permissions:
ls -l filename
Changing file ownership:
sudo chown username:groupname filename
Changing file permissions:
sudo chmod permissions filename
4. Managing Sudo Access
Granting sudo access to a user:
sudo usermod -aG sudo username
Revoking sudo access from a user:
sudo deluser username sudo
Effective user and permission management is crucial for maintaining the security and integrity of your Linux system. By following this practical guide to user administration in Linux, you'll have the knowledge and tools necessary to create, modify, and delete users, manage groups, and control file permissions with confidence. Experiment with different user management commands and permissions settings to tailor your system to your specific requirements.