Apache vs LiteSpeed

Choosing the right web server is crucial for your website’s performance, security, and scalability. Two popular options are Apache and LiteSpeed. This article compares these two web servers, answering common questions to help you make an informed decision.

1. What Are Apache and LiteSpeed?

Apache: Apache HTTP Server, commonly referred to as Apache, is an open-source web server developed by the Apache Software Foundation. It is one of the oldest and most widely used web servers in the world.

LiteSpeed: LiteSpeed Web Server (LSWS) is a commercial web server developed by LiteSpeed Technologies. It is known for its high performance and efficiency, often considered a direct competitor to Apache.

2. Performance and Speed

When it comes to performance, LiteSpeed often outperforms Apache, especially under heavy traffic conditions.

  • Apache: While highly configurable and flexible, Apache can struggle with high concurrency and heavy loads compared to LiteSpeed.
  • LiteSpeed: Designed for high performance, LiteSpeed uses an event-driven architecture, which allows it to handle thousands of concurrent connections with less CPU and memory usage.

3. Ease of Use and Configuration

Both web servers offer robust features and flexibility, but there are differences in how they are configured and managed.

  • Apache: Apache’s configuration is well-documented and widely understood. It uses plain text configuration files (.htaccess), making it easy for developers to tweak settings on a per-directory basis.
  • LiteSpeed: LiteSpeed is designed to be compatible with Apache, allowing it to use Apache’s configuration files. However, it also provides a user-friendly web-based admin panel, making it easier for less experienced users to manage their server.

4. Compatibility

Compatibility with various technologies and platforms is an important consideration when choosing a web server.

  • Apache: Apache is highly compatible with a wide range of applications, modules, and operating systems. It supports many programming languages, such as PHP, Python, and Perl.
  • LiteSpeed: LiteSpeed offers compatibility with Apache, supporting .htaccess files, mod_rewrite, and other Apache modules. It is also compatible with popular control panels like cPanel and Plesk.

5. Security

Security is a top priority for any web server. Both Apache and LiteSpeed offer strong security features, but LiteSpeed has some advantages.

  • Apache: Apache has a solid security track record and offers many security modules, such as mod_security. However, its flexibility can sometimes lead to misconfigurations that compromise security.
  • LiteSpeed: LiteSpeed includes built-in anti-DDoS features, connection throttling, and comprehensive security rules. It also supports Apache security modules, providing an extra layer of protection.

6. Cost

The cost of using a web server can be a deciding factor for many users.

  • Apache: Apache is open-source and free to use, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious users and organizations.
  • LiteSpeed: LiteSpeed is a commercial product, requiring a paid license. However, it offers a free tier for one domain (with unlimited subdomains), one worker process, and a 2GB RAM limit. The cost for higher tiers varies based on the number of domains and the type of license (e.g., VPS, dedicated server). Despite the cost, many users find the performance and features worth the investment.

Common Questions Answered

Which server is better for WordPress?

Both Apache and LiteSpeed can run WordPress efficiently. However, LiteSpeed often performs better with high-traffic WordPress sites due to its advanced caching and optimization features.

Can I switch from Apache to LiteSpeed easily?

Yes, switching from Apache to LiteSpeed is relatively straightforward. LiteSpeed is designed to be a drop-in replacement for Apache, supporting Apache configuration files and modules. This means you can switch without significant changes to your existing setup.

Is LiteSpeed worth the cost?

The value of LiteSpeed depends on your specific needs. If you require high performance, low resource usage, and enhanced security, LiteSpeed's cost can be justified. For small websites with low traffic, Apache might be sufficient and more cost-effective.


Both Apache and LiteSpeed have their strengths and weaknesses. Apache is free, highly compatible, and well-documented, making it a reliable choice for many users. LiteSpeed, on the other hand, offers superior performance, security, and ease of use, which can justify its cost for those needing high performance and scalability. Consider your specific needs, budget, and technical expertise when choosing between these two popular web servers.